
Monday, January 21, 2013


Today marks the place in history for Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, the Presidential Inauguration, and twenty-one days of consecutive posts on this blog by me. Not sure my accomplishment warrants arrival in the same sentence as MLK and the Prez, but to me it does. As a matter of perspective, apparently, it takes 21 days to create a habit and 28 days to break one. The greater number of days spent on the habit supports automaticity and growth in said habit. In this case, my habit is growing on me and it is one positive habit. I am learning so much and it is a certain challenge to keep going.

Even so, I've always loved to see, "Bloom where you are planted" show up in great places. I consider myself growing roots into the beautiful Southern California soil where the seeds of friendship have been planted. I have taken some steps to cultivate these seeds by caring for them while they grow on their own and I try to cultivate the plants when they have shared fruit with me. 

My friends are part of the roots that have grounded me in so many places and I continue cultivating them to this day. Some are like the succulents, who live very happily with little water and without constant attention. However, some need the extra water, nutrient-rich soil, and prunings to grow further and more wonderful with time. Just so you know, pruning sounds like a bad word, but it really isn't. It just means some things need to be removed and cleared in order for twice as many things to be added back in their places.

Twenty-one days is just a start and This plant is growing. MLK's sentiment follows with the darkness I've been feeling lately. It feels as though no time is guaranteed and I came across this quote today that emphasizes life and its possibility. I am thankful for possibility, friendships and love.

I pray for the blooming.

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”
― Martin Luther King, Jr.

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