
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cope Rhymes with Hope

And Grief and I do not get along. We are not friends. We have had our go-arounds and usually the Grief wins. Just when I think I'm ok and past it or moving on, the Grief gets in there and pushes me over like a feather. It is so hard to lose a loved one - young or old, near or far, family or anyone close to the heart. 

A few weeks ago I wrote of how fragile we are and today it pains me to say a relative has lost a battle with cancer he didn't even know was present until just weeks ago. It is so much to take in and, as I've said before, the timeline of death just doesn't matter. And that means it is difficult when somebody dies, no matter what the circumstances. 

To combat the Griefster, there are certain truths that lift me away and above it. These truths comfort me and help me to reach out in ways I can to help. 

The truth is: 
I hope for his peace and pray for a sweet resting place.
The music of the angels will accompany this "picker" to the pearly gates.
We will gather as family to honor his life and the lives of each other.
I want to hug his Mother because no Mother should have to survive the death of her child. 
Hug the ones around you who bring joy. 

Nobody knows the Grief timeline

All I know is 

Cope rhymes with Hope.


1 comment:

  1. Funky Kim,,,,,,,,,,thanks for the insightful overview of your thoughts and feelings. mfs


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