
Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Through all of the purging I have been doing lately, I have kept a simple mantra going: 
If you like it, share it. If you love it, Keep it!

I dug through a ton of old paper supplies and came across a bin that once belonged to my Grandma. She had started painting in her fifties and was always an inspiration for me. I found an old palette that still had remnants of some bright colors. She had packed them in a simple plastic newspaper bag and the purpley color still squished under my thumb even as six years have passed. After the sorting, I sat down at my cabinet and created this flower.

Dad's cousin had his funeral today and I guess I have been in a funk of sorts. My sister was also in the hospital today, so my heart was all over the place. The good news is, I created this picture as a card for my great-aunt, grandma's sister, with the beautiful watercolors Grandma left behind. I'm sure she has an incredible palette in heaven. I am keeping this one!

Next, I sat down in my usual style on the couch with the pooches to paint the art for the day. I used my permanent marker first and filled in the centers of the flowers next, then the bodies and colors last. I like this one-This is different than the style I've had lately, but it doesn't mean any less because the drawing is in honor of my sisters. I've heard from another sister that the surgery went well. That makes me so happy! Technology is such a blessing because we would have had to wait so much longer in the past.

And last year began my adventure into drawing for DrawSomething. I really don't set out to win against people, it's just really fun to create the pictures from background to foreground. Last year I nearly played Draw Something every night and longed to add foreground first, but quickly learned it is easier to start backwards. I found a quick and fun way to draw every day, plus have some fun! 

Ok- now is the time when I go to bed. Have a wonderful day and don't forget to love and hug the ones nearesst to you!

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