
Friday, February 15, 2013


The past few days have been spent working on organization in our house. It was the gift I wanted at Christmas and it has turned into a Valentine's gift as well. Don't get me wrong, it's been a mountain to move for both of us, but the really good part is we worked together as a team to get it all done. 

All done? Well, we have a few things left to do, but at least I would feel comfortable asking a friend to come in to, at least, wash her hands. That's another story, by the way, but we do feel better about the place now because we have a guest this weekend. 

Things are looking up.

Working to a deadline usually helps with productivity and this deadline was no exception: One of my best friends is here for the weekend and has brought her poochy girl with her. And although I consider her to be one of my "sisters", I wouldn't have even been comfortable with even family seeing our conglomeration. You see, I'm being kind with the description, but it really was not nice. 

But NOW it is better. In fact, the more I dug through things and gave away, I felt lighter. Enough time has passed from the move that it is clear what can stay and go now and the space is beginning to be space and not just a jumble of clutter. 

It is a beginning. 

The weekend will fly past and we will have good times with stories to tell. When my friend goes home, we will be left with memories, a lighter disposition and fresh spaces. I already enjoy my life here and now it will be even better. 

What can you give away to change your world?

Canson 120lb Watercolor Paper
Prang Watercolor Ovals

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