
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Leap Year

Where does it go when there is no leap year? 
As a former math teacher, I can actually explain, but isn't it bizarre there is no February 29 tomorrow? It just disappears from the calendar and tomorrow is March with no Frebruaric Extension. I do have a friend with a Leap Year birthday and she technically has no birthday for another three years. I just cannot 

But what a perfect time of year to take a Leap. I spent most of the day with friends trying to decide on new projects for our Meetup Group and it hit me-  Tomorrow begins March and the introduction of spring. I know, it's been spring here in SoCal for weeks now, but at least some others will soon be able to share in the pageant just weeks from now. 

Also, the people at Fusion Beads are hosting a 30-day bead challenge, starting tomorrow, and it is my intention and goal to complete this challenge alongside the 365 challenge. I'll be posting pictures from that contest, as well as the art every-day challenge. It's exciting and motivating to get back into my bead "stash" to make some new pieces. 

What type of leap will you make for spring?


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