
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


 Again, a heart in black and white. This one has shades of the vulture from early February. Today, it's just a good indication of movement. 

I found out other artists take "The Artist's Way" in cycles just like I have. It felt good to get back on track with it this morning. Instead of just one piece today, I've created two. I completed the black and white, then because of inspiration from a friend's Thoreau quote, I created another. But let this black and white heart signify the restart from the old. 

There was a lot of inspiration today! Of course, it has been there for me in the past, but today held some great words from the masters, friends and some fuchsia paint. I am totally using the fuchsia tomorrow! 
Anyway, one friend left an amazing compliment that knocked me off of my feet and another posted a quote that I lifted because it hit me for use as a calligraphy sample. I've been thinking of assembling a portfolio because there is a local artistic co-op called The Makery and they are looking for calligraphy teachers, so I thought this quote would be a great inspiration and exemplar of my work. Instead, something else, that is way cooler than just words, happened. 

I put the background on paper first and it consisted of some really simple blue, green, and dark water from the first painting. I used what I thought was a thin enough brush to write on the piece, but bits and pieces came out sort of chunky, rather than uniform. So I went back in with the lighter colors to highlight and shape the not-so-neat lettering. I dig it. What do you think?

It's cool. 
And I am so happy to be back into "The Artist's Way". It helped me get off of my butt and pick up our mugs from Color Me Mine in Mission Viejo. I wasn't even sure it would work because I used plain old number 2 pencil to create the lettering. It woked! I nearly jumped up and down, but celebrated with  a little bit of self-serve frozen yogurt.

What inspires you?



  1. Love your calligraphy and the image that you created to go with it! The eye just draws me into it!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn! The image just appeared as I wrote out the quote. The shape became an eye and the pupil filled with the world. It was a very inspirational quote for me. And, I'm in love with that piece.
      Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)


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