
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Cloudy Day

No complaints, at all. 

A cloudy day in Southern California doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. Most days, the fog stays until midday and clears to blue, like magic. I love the coolness of the days.
My sweetie and I stayed at home today and, while he worked, I painted. 
I am actually working on a few other painting projects, but don't consider them for this challenge of Creative Every Day and I'm not really sure why. I am creating things all day long, then get to the evening and have to create something else. 

No complaints, at all. 

Just not sure how I would classify the "other" pieces. To be fair, one is for a friend's housewarming gift, so I didn't want to post it before she saw it. Another project is an experiment with Starbucks cup sleeves and still another is a start on repurposing cardboard food-boxes into canvases for paintings. The latter is also a collage for the song, "Bicycle Built for Two". The collage will have a daisy made from crazy papers I've collected- but mostly junk mail. The "junk" may not even be recognizable once I'm finished with it....

The piece I finished this evening started as just some dots of warm color. I had just started watching "Dateline, NBC" tonight and the top story was about the Boston bomber/ing. I was really sort of going for a field of flowers, considering the cloudy day, but I am sure as I half-paid attention to the television, part of my feelings came out and spread on that paper. 

Yes, the colors are warm. Upon second glances, they might also be bloody, or shots, or something. It wasn't my goal, but it wasn't the goal of the victims to be victims that day, either. I created some abstract flowers in this piece by using Sharpie marker, yet, in some places they take on the look of a harried abstract face. Faces were not my intention, but so many were injured that day and others later in the week. 

The terror doesn't go away, but it does seem to fade a bit over time. Make no mistake, I will not forget the story of that day and the horrible peace one  of those boys exhibited to strangers that day. 
I just will not forget. I can move on, but until the focus is changed, it will be harder to forget. 

Let the warm colors brighten the day!
No complaints, at all.
Have a great day!



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