
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Fun Challenge!

Today I was looking at posts from others for the Creative Every Day Challenge and came across an entry linked to a blog page named Daisy Yellow. I was intrigued because of the six items that should be incorporated into the challenge and I thought, at the moment I read it, 'how crazy is that?' But, it was safe to say this challenge would brew in my mind and I might give it some second and third thoughts as it simmered.

 Even though I love trivia, I wondered what I would find for that. It was the hardest part of the whole challenge! Then thoughts of, 'well, this challenge is only introduced weekly, so maybe I'll just skip this one'. 


That challenge was a-brewin' and a cookin' on the back burner! I was sitting at the kitchen table looking through the grocery ads with my back to the TV when my trivia bonked me on the head, well, figuratively, anyway. My sweetie was watching a special about Clint Eastwood and the mention of "Spaghetti Westerns" made me take notice. Then they said it something like this, "there is no spaghetti in Spaghetti Westerns. They were named so because of their Italian producers." 

Wow! It all started bubbling from there. It all fell into place so easily and I started to envision just how I would get it all down. The result is one of the most FUN pieces I have created- both making it and looking at it. I hope you can see the lettering and would love feedback, no matter what, on this piece. It could very well be a greeting card, if it were scanned copied and pasted onto a piece of cardstock, just for fun.

Here is the list of the items necessary for the challenge:
(So much fun!)
  1. trivia
  2. orange and yellow
  3. diagram
  4. descriptive words
  5. alphabet
  6. greeting card
Prang Watercolor Ovals
Staedtler Fine Permanent Marker
Canson XL 90lb paper

Here is more information from Daisy Yellow's page about the Prompt6ix challenge.  Maybe you'll be interested, too!

"Prompt6ix is a weekly set of six words or phrases. You can interpret the set of phrases as an art journal page, a collage, an art quilt, a piece of mail art, an artist trading card, even a poem. Each prompt will include at least one color and one "technique" or method as well as words or phrases to inspire your work."

Special thanks, to Daisy Yellow for such great inspiration!


  1. Great take on the six prompts!
    I had no idea either re the Westerns. Learn something everyday!

  2. How fun! And I learned something, too! :)

  3. This is GREAT! I was totally baffled about what you could possibly do with those prompts until I saw your piece! Excellent!! And well done!!


Thank you for stopping here today! I love to hear from you especially when you've taken the time to visit. Drop me a line and we'll be in touch- have a great day!