
Sunday, April 21, 2013


Yesterday, I had the opportunity to participate in a Craft Swap. Never heard of that? Me either, so I decided to check it out. You know what they say about trash! Could you imagine what they might say about swapping craft supplies? They had me at the four letter word; SWAP. 

I went to a place in Anaheim called The Makery and brought a bag of gently used craft supplies that had lost their zing in my eyes, but might bring it back to someone else. I received plenty of tickets, or credits, toward other swapped-in items and went "swapping".

I found some craft punches I've been wanting to have since I left Minnesota six years ago and didn't have courage to buy, some rick-rack, a fun unfinished journal ready for paint and collage, a couple of the Pebeo paint markers for mugs, and many other little fun things. I'll post pictures sometime... 

Also, The Makery has served for a sort of storefront for some Etsy "makers" and there are some really beautiful craft supplies available there. For instance, I was able to get a few bunches of raw wool (25g) for about $3.25. If you are a felter, you know that is a fine deal.

Another event in the shop yesterday was a succulent planter workshop. I had already made plans, but they were re-using containers and had the supplies to build a sweet little succulent plan terrarium. I guess I will have to look out for another class like that. 

A company named Stampington is local and donated four different crafting magazines for "swappers" to take home. Today, it has been so much fun to look at the beautiful magazines and dream of new crafts and ideas! Reading was a great way to relax, yet stay inspired, while exhausted from yesterday. 

I feel so rich for having participated in the swap and hope they will hold more in the future. I KNOW I have more things I can part with hanging around the house. Somebody would be thrilled to use my castoffs!

Have a wonderful Monday
and let's hope for a better week.



  1. I really love this. Not just for the beautiful picture which is one of my new faves of yours, but for the hopeful and happy tone. This past week has been rough personally and in the world and I love to see you get such joy and inspiration from what you are doing. Thanks for sending a little joy my way!

  2. Oh, that is nice, so light and airy...


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