
Saturday, April 6, 2013


For the past five years, I taught math in the middle school. Most recently, I taught 8th grade Math and wouldn't have it any other way. I got started teaching Math later in life after teaching endless private music lessons and being a substitute band director. Oh, how much I learned in the past five years. I can't even say I learned about Math, rather, but I did learn about the middle school-ers and how to help them. 

After I moved in September, I haven't even touched a math book. I'm embarrassed to say my math is rusty and I desperately need a refresher. I know all the basics-what I need is practice playing around with the amazing algebraic puzzles out there. I never know when a former student will contact me needing  help with some math problem or other. I'd best be prepared. 

I'll consider that my warning and proof for my action step. I must review. I was not prepared today..
Sleep usually helps. in this situation. So does Starbucks....

I subscribe to the Gratitude Cafe Instagram feed. There is an inspirational quotation every day and today's said, "What are you Learning?" I am learning to be humble and keep up with the studies that make me who I am in order that I may help others. 
I am learning watercolor. I've learned the flowers I paint tend to be "heavy" looking, or the paint is too dark.
I am learning I need to loosen up control on the watercolor and let it do its job a little better than it has for me in the past. 

I'm learning I don't feel so great and it is definitely time to turn in. 
Have a wonderful weekend!
What are you learning?

By the way, "Mad Props" to the kid working on math on a Saturday night! He says he's changed his ways- and it's true!

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