
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Levity, Please!

 There is too much junk going on in the world right now. I know, it doesn't take a genius to state the obvious, but hey, as I type this, breaking news is coming out of Boston about more shootings, explosions and a police officer casualty. 

Along with the bad weather the nation is facing, it's been a pretty depressing week. 

My hometown of St. Charles, Illinois flooded today. The Main Street bridge usually sits comfortably above the water about ten to fifteen feet. Today, the water crept to just a few feet below the bridge. So many homes have been flooded, Chicagoans are walking their pet fish in the streets, and taking boats to work. Just kidding about the last two, but it's true about the flooded homes. 

Plus, friends in Minnesota are just waiting on spring. Ha. Like that's going to happen any time soon. I miss Minnesota, but I really do not miss the promise of spring that never shows up. I still hope spring comes soon. Seeing snow in April is torture enough. Bring on the heat!

Today, I got up and got at it and stayed busy for most of the day. I have a few deadlines approaching which always help get the motivational fires burning. I created a sign for our MeetUp group to use at our booth on Saturday for this festival. It's a "trashy" competition where a group of kids have come up with an idea to re-use cork in an artistic representation of a wolf. If you are reading this now, the rest of what I write in this post is not as important as clicking on the festival link and voting for "the Wolf"! It's a really cool twist on a mosaic. You'll see! We'll be having an upcycle craft booth at the festival for kids and adults, alike.

We had a MeetUp gathering tonight and I brought the sign to show the group members. It was received well and it was suggested I make the other part of the sign using scrap newspaper, to show the two groups are related by actions, but are truly separate groups. I used regular poster board and Mod-Podged packing/craft paper onto the it. The process was really fun and I know I spent a couple of hours on it, but time really flew by while I was working!!

The heart showed up as result of a chat in our group tonight. A member mentioned this week has been depressing and asked if anyone else has felt the same way. I told her yes, as well as others did the same. It is hard to rest peacefully when the nation we live in is filled with such terror and fear. And it is sad to say that I have a protocol for media coverage when something bad, like the Boston bombings, takes place. But, watching scant amount of news is the only way I feel somewhat safe. That alone is so odd. Safety our of remaining just a bit ignorant of current events? 

I really only check the news on short order. They show all of the same things, anyway. and again. 

Let's just hope the new breaking news helps shed some light on the crimes that have taken place in the city of Boston. Just a little bit. 

With Love and Light, 

Prayers for this whole nation. It's a jungle out there!!

Prang Watercolor Ovals
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Thank you for stopping here today! I love to hear from you especially when you've taken the time to visit. Drop me a line and we'll be in touch- have a great day!