
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Migraine day.

 Actually, the day started just fine. But about an hour into being awake, the migraine struck. It was like a hot poker through my left eye and it seemed to be less open than the right one. The dogs begged to go outside, so we took the quick version of our walk. They seemed to know not all was going well with me and made quick with their business. We came back in, I went for medicine, and then we went to bed. 

I'd thought I might have gone a bit more Picasso on this picture with half of the head missing, because it felt so useless, but I like this a lot better. I wanted the peaceful feeling to be present along with the two pooches. This took about twenty minutes and I will be sharing it with the "Ten Minute Warm-up".

Just as the medicine started taking effect, I was looking through the postings in the Creative Every Day Challenge and happened across a blogger who'd participated in the "Ten Minute Warm-up". I decided ten minutes couldn't be so bad, so I started figuring out the basic ideas. I have new paper, but for some reason an old journal cried out for use in this purpose. 

I am very happy with the results, both from the journal paper and the ideas that materialized. It is also the first face I have tried in the months since starting this challenge. 

I'm sure Buck and Louis will pop up a little more often now, too.


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