
Monday, April 1, 2013

No Fools.

Yes, it was April Fool's Day, although I did not really participate in the act of foolery...much.

The theme for April have changed from:
  • Black-and-white to color in the Creative Every Day Challenge
  • Natural Surfaces to Spiral in the Sketchbook Challenge
  • R.W.Emerson to a Judy Garland quotation.
It is definitely possible to incorporate all three into one piece. That is the ultimate challenge!
Challenge accepted.

At the urging of another friend, I went to lunch in Laguna Beach today. We ate at the Zinc Cafe and it was really good! I met with a friend and we have discussed some goals and concerns about starting our own businesses. We would both like to have income from our artsy-tistic works and have to start someplace :)

Tomorrow, we will butt heads again and compare/contrast notes to, perhaps, grow the ideas into something even bigger than we had imagined. After lunch, we went to the Well's Fargo Bank for my friend to check in on a business account. That was when I discovered the art collection at this bank! From the marks on the walls, apparently there is a lot of art that makes it through the bank space,  and there is an appreciation there for how painstaking it is to hang a show like that. The second and third floors are all found in this building and they are covered in art. So fun! I have learned more about Laguna Beach in the past few days than in all of my visits combined over the past few years. It's really fun.
 Wells Fargo Art Spiral, open to the public, as seen from the ground floor.

Same art spiral and photo is from the top. Cool arty pic.

 I came home to this; the flowers have exploded today! They really only last a day or two, but they are so beautiful in that time!
My friend bought this Mixed Media paper today. What a treat that is! I promised myselft not to buy any more until my current stache is worn away, but since I didn't purchase it, I guess I get around that rule.  She also got me a new set of opaque watercolors to let the color in again. I am so thankful for color!
And last, but certainly not least, here is a flower the neighbor girl cut for me. She took a long hard look at the yard and decided beyond the weeds to pick this one. Any other, and her grandmother would have been very mad. What a beautiful little bloom just waiting to live its life on a canvas....'

  And finally, the following quotation comes from Judy Garland. I only wish she could have kept up with her own advice. She had so much to share! To each his/her own and I can see good things in the coming weeks! 

Stop again! Glad  to see you've dropped by today!

 "Always be a first-rate version of yourself 
instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." 
Judy Garland
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