
Sunday, May 26, 2013


Today was filled with awesome. Maybe that's why people call it "awesome sauce," because awesome was just everywhere!

I woke up an hour before my alarm today and that never happens. I, gasp, didn't even have coffee. Freal.

I helped people carry display pieces to their booths, arranged water and sodas in big tubs with ice, made "no parking" signs, and helped to set up a general seating area.

Gathering helpful advice was easy. My first observation was the setting up went very well with more than one person at the booth area. In fact, I saw a woman who brought her mother along to keep an eye on things while she checked on the both site. I also observed a woman who parked too close to another participant and had to nicely tell her to move. Shheeeesh.

But that's not all.

I had just finished both creating and placing a chalkboard sign for the parking situation at a local CVS and furniture store and a woman started to ask whether she cold park there....smh

Ugh. I put the sign up. That was all I could do. More tips? Bring sunscreen. Bring an umbrella. Bring a hand fan. Bring a sweatshirt. Bring a smile and an attitude that screams you want to be there-without the screaming. Figure out where the bathrooms are. Bring water. Then, I got to see a friend I hadn't seen in twenty years! She shrieked and screamed when I found her and we just hugged. I am so glad to have her back in my life! She is a baker of bite-sized goodies and might be interested in some hand-painted cookies, if i can figure it out. I had the opportunity to EAT some of the goodies after our marathon chat and I dropped her home. The day was filled with so much awesome I didn't want it to stop! I'm store and sunburned and totally fulfilled from an amazing festival. Can't wait for the next one!

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