
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


When was the last time you collaged?

For some people, the answer is, most times, in school, as a kid, nothing more. Others create collage as a form of self expression and release from everyday pressures and, well, life in general. There is something to be said about losing oneself in a project and just being there to create it.

At our Meetup tonight, we brought books and magazines from which to cut images and glue them down on paper, or Bristol board, or cereal box, in my case. I'm a messy collager, and get my hands in the glue, use paint over top, mix glue and paint, and keep layering until I get what I want to see. Others are meticulous and amazing in the care they use to morph existing images into something completely different and thought provoking with no evidence of what holds it all together.

I'm just messy....

My friend has an art studio and she opens it up every month to build art community in Laguna. There are so many artists around here, but it really is a joy to sit amongst them and chat while creating.

Some wander through saying they are not creative or don't do anything artsy. But when they leave, I don't think they should say that any longer. They have come and created and had fun with others who want the same exact company and result.

Art is a beautiful thing.

Everyone is accepted and encouraged. The eye of the beholder determines beauty, but the real beauty is being together and creating. Sort of a real and big art project, you know?

Here is my collage from tonight. I was inspired by the word, "segars" and the warning of smoking one on said red bridge. The rest just showed up.

When is the last time you collaged? Maybe try it again....

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