
Monday, May 13, 2013

Hope, For the good fight

Maybe you've wondered about the melancholy, lately.

Truth is, my sister is in a lot of pain. She's thirty-five and has just had a full hysterectomy in order to rid her body of cancer. It's not my story to tell, so I've held back. I know it's come through in my work and now she's made the request for all the love she can get.

She really needs all the cheer and prayers, good vibes and karma you can send her way to help with her healing.

Of all the people in the world strong enough to fight this, Carrie is at the top. It's not time to feel sad- it's time to fight the unwelcome visitor.

She is home now, but sore and hurting, as well as experiencing some very tricky emotions.

I'm asking for you to spread the love. Open your heart and let the love flow!

This piece is in her honor, as it's all I can do right now. Funny thing is, she hates hearts....but what is the symbol of love?

Send some her way.

I love my sisters and never want them hurting- I love my whole family and we will power through this. Life is always better than the alternative.


  1. Michelle MathisonMay 14, 2013 at 8:56 AM

    This is a beautiful piece, Carrie is very luck to have such a wonderful, loving and supportive family!

    1. Thank you, Michelle- not to mention a very strong network of friends! Thank you for being there.

  2. Awesome. Just Awesome.


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