
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Reason

Most of the time we want a reason for understanding to just appear and it needs to reveal itself in order for us to move on to the next challenge. But, more often than not, the Reason takes its time and resolves things for us when we are ready.

Maybe the clues are with us all along: When we face a challenge, maybe there was something we could have done to avoid the challenge in the first place. Maybe the Reason reveals itself time and again, but we are not ready to script it. Maybe it's not meant for us to know the Reason. Ever.

Whatever it is, for me anyway, I accept there is a reason for everything. Honestly? I only really like to see the good things. Maybe that is why the Reason seems so clear right away- because I want to see it.

Yep- I pulled these words for the painting from my sister's pinterest page. I don't know if I want to know the reason she was "chosen" to suffer with this cancer crap. I know how strong she is and I admire her positive attitude. I don't envy her at all.

I'll be happy knowing maybe it is bringing my family closer together, even over the miles, because she is very much alive and we can fight this junk. We don't see each other very often, but we are in better contact, now, really, all of us.

I pray that is the only Reason. I pray she just gets better!

Something to think about, anyway.

Do you agree with the sentiment?

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with it Kim. And, the older I get the more I believe it.
    It's not easy to cling to that belief because sometimes it really does take a long time to reveal itself.
    But when it does it can be enlightening, validating and serene.

    If we are patient it can be a source of comfort to believe that all of life's twists and turns have a purpose. Because - they do!


Thank you for stopping here today! I love to hear from you especially when you've taken the time to visit. Drop me a line and we'll be in touch- have a great day!