
Thursday, June 6, 2013


This morning started out in Orange County, California and has ended in Kane County, Illinois. Yes, I was in the air today. All day.

I doodled and practiced and didn't come up with a lot, but this doodle is one I'll keep for the daily challenge.

All I can say is, people are good, over all. One man reinforced the idea that everything happens for a reason when our first plane was delayed. Another man found out he knows my sweetie through two degrees of separation- all because of a little line chatting. Also, the lady next to me was "blessed" to be seated next to a snoring man and didn't say anything to him, but turn and smile, when he snapped at her at the end of the flight.

Next, my good buddy Em picked me up at the airport and she's sitting here at the table while I'm typing away here. So, now I'm done for the day.

People are good. It's my turn.

*this image is being used for CED and ICAD 2013

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