
Monday, June 10, 2013


My sister claims the letter, "c" as her own, and as a result, has renamed the official as "Khemo" instead of the commonly known term that starts with a "c".

Can't say I blame her.

Khemo sucks. Those who know me well, know I don't even say that, but it is so true. My sister wants to be so positive and she is definitely kicking butt.

I'll be honest.

It hurt my heart to see her face when they were searching for her port today. A thoughtful surgeon placed it well under the surface in order my sister doesn't scar. But, oh! The nurses do this every day and this one was a tough one.

Speaking of nurses- ours are great and I feel comfortable with my sister in their hands. I feel comfortable with her in our hands- and God's hands.

More to come-

Be kind,
Hug someone,
And stay healthy!


  1. Sorry about your sister. Healing thoughts to her. Beautiful color and love the Team Carrie. Your coffee cup photo is great too.:)

  2. So sorry to read about your sister.... wishing her well. Beautiful artwork.


  3. healing thoughts and prayers to your sister. Lovely art for the SOC3 challenge.

  4. Best wishes to your sister, I'm sure she will love your art.

  5. I'm sorry you're going through this with your Sister! Much love to you both - and wonderful page - I'm sure she'll love it too, xo

    1. Thank you for the Summer of Color! Fun to find out the teal is Ovarian's color. I've been making lots of teal things. The art helps all of us. Thanks for your thoughts!

  6. fab!
    so nice to meet you !Have a good and creative rest of the week!Invitation to take part on: ART-JOURNAL-JOURNEY

    xxx Susi

  7. cool coffee cup photo... but hate that your sister is going through so much... it just sucks... but I am sure she appreciates your support...xx

  8. Hi Kim, my love & prayer for your sister's healing. It's wonderful that you're making her a sweet Team Carrie sketches!. LOVE the bright second piece too, almost looks like you'd doodle-stitching on it!. Beautiful!. HUGS.

  9. Best wishes to your sister and you! <3 Lovely drawings!

  10. My heart goes out to your sister, and you as well. I'm glad you have a creative outlet, I think it makes such a difference. Your summer of color piece is perfect, and the other one I just love.

  11. Blessings to you and your sister. Love the colors on Team Carrie!

  12. Your lettering is great. I wish your sister the best.

  13. Sorry about your sister, prayers for her healing, shes lucky to have you. Love your work.

  14. Your work is lovely - and your heart is too - I pray for healing and peace in tough circumstances for your sister and for you.

  15. sending prayers for your sister, stay strong! Lovely pieces.

  16. I will pray for your sister, Kim. She is lucky to have such a caring person as her sister. I love how you did a sign for her - it's so beautiful. And so is your gorgeous sun work of art. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  17. Lovely work...stay strong...hugs to you...x

  18. I will pray for you and your sister. I am glad you can still find a way to ground yourself with art.

  19. Sorry to hear about your sister - sending positive thoughts. Love the Team Carrie, and your sun piece is beautiful - looks like a piece of quilted embroidery. Stay strong.

  20. I don't know either one of you but I just said a prayer for your sister and for YOU. It's wonderful that she is so positive and that she has you in her life. Sweet and beautiful drawing, btw.

  21. Sending prayers for your sister and I do love your artwork as well!


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