
Monday, July 29, 2013


No matter the speed, progress is motion. Lately, it's been sort of a mantra for me; "just keep going".

Maybe it's my phrase, or the words of wisdom I seek, but it really is just what I do.

Just keep going.

"Don't forget!"

I thought that was appropriate considering the elephant prompt. And, I would have written the source of the circular scribbling, but it was a paraphrase from Bonnie Raitt and the original source was not there, other than "a psychiatrist". 

I saw those words in an Oprah mag last fall, as I moved into a new world, from Vegas to California, and struggled for what pace to claim for settling my things.
I sure am hard on myself- and have finally stopped beating myself up over not being unpacked. I'm sure there are roots of my being still clinging to the really good times there in Vegas. It's clear too me, the roots of the worst have died quickly and have been replaced with new growth. That is me. It is a transition.

Yet, it is progress, no matter how slow.

The card is a bit bigger than usual, a 4x6, but what else would one expect to contain an elephant?

I used a watercolor background that was made at the start of July. I collaged the elephant and used a Pitt pen for the writing. Next, I used some Gelatos and blended them with my fingers. Finally, some Stabilo pencils and more Pitt pens were used on the final touches. I tried white gelli pen, but it just wasn't dry enough.

Have a great week-and hug your sweetnesses!

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