
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


To be revised, an article must have started somewhere, as it does with painting.

Upon revision, the article is improved and second glances are taken.

Some thing might be added, while others are taken, and new material can be brought in and subtracted all in one fell swoop.

The piece is worked.
And worked.
And ugly.
And muddy.

This painting was revised probably ten times (a thousand) while I worked it. It started with the plain index card and from there, I added layers of punched scrap paper, watercolor pencil (that got covered), acrylic and gouache paints. I just kept going until something said it was done.

This is where the written word and a painting differ. Words can be combed, structure proofed, and many sets of eyes can read and approve of a final product.

The painting is solely in the eyes of the painter. Only the painter knows when it is done.

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