
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Dog days of summer.

Extreme heat in the Midwest.

Monsoons in the desert.

Call it whatever- it is hot everywhere.

August is nearly over and he is leaving an indelible, yet expected, impression. Yes, it is a man, because August was named after the Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus, when the calendar was expanded to include about sixty more days. I'm not sure why he chose this time of year because in Rome it is super hot there. Hmmmm....

Regardless, I had a very happy day! It started right off with my first Etsy sale this year. The buyer is a friend I've known since the sixth grade and one whom I wouldn't have expected to be the first. He bought the 'knotty' earrings for his wife. That makes me so happy to know!

Next, another friend, who is close to another childhood friend, sponsored me for the TEAM CARRIE walk on September 7, this year. When I checked the site, she had pledged $100! What a start to the day!

Then, I checked up on my Funkycaine page and I am absolutely thrilled at the number of people who have responded to the invite to the page. Thank you so much to the Facebook world and my friends from everywhere!

I have fallen only slightly behind on the Daisy Yellow prompts, but it is my full intention to go "somewhere"and create art tomorrow. Preferably someplace cool...with coffee...and good food...hmmm....

The painting is simply an intuitive watercolor style, as nothing seemed to come to me tonight. I looked through a lot of jewelry supplies today and all of my daydreaming soaked up my paint Mojo.
But, I just kept going until I liked it.

Hope you like it, too!

Have a great day!

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