
Monday, August 5, 2013

Linear Relationships

Maybe it's odd, but today I contemplated going back to the classroom. I haven't been teaching for this year and today I got a call back from a job I applied for- and that wasn't teaching.

The message was kind of funny to me, because she thought I had mistakenly applied for the job since my resume shows that I have mostly teaching experience. Regardless, it started me thinking.

I truly believe this year has been one of transition and healing. After all, if I can't take care of myself, I know I cannot take care of others and maintain some semblance of a relationship at home.

This art journey I have taken has taught me I need to keep creativity in my life. I need to take the time to express myself through color and composition, line and shape, clarity and contrast.

The size of the painting today is only a four by six index card, but it serves the purpose I needed. It's not that I have a creative block, rather, it's a time for renewal, yet I just didn't want to start on this prompt today. Honestly, I just didn't feel like making anything.

I dug out some backgrounds I created on the 4th of July and was happy I had made them on the grid paper. The linear prompt got me thinking about the relationship between art, math, music, and science, so I began with an illusion of lines that look like they are rounded. From there, I just doodled and brainstormed until it was done.

When I return to the classroom, I know there will be days when I do not feel like creating anything. But this journey has taught me that whether I feel like it or not, I really need to create. I am even prepared with ATCs and know that I will carry index cards wherever I go.

I know enough now that the quality of the day can be represented on an index card. Anything goes! It is already a challenge to create every day, but that challenge is now a necessity.

So much reflection for such a small card-
I hope only for the best.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you posted your blog so I can bookmark you. :)



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