
Friday, August 23, 2013

Mandala Sleeps

Here is an official definition of 'mandala' according to Merriam Webster online:

Main Entry: man·da·la
Pronunciation: \ˈmən-də-lə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit maṇḍala circle
Date: 1859
1 : a Hindu or Buddhist graphic symbol of the universe ; specifically : a circle enclosing a square with a deity on each side that is used chiefly as an aid to meditation 2 : a graphic and often symbolic pattern usually in the form of a circle divided into four separate sections or bearing a multiple projection of an image
— man·dal·ic  \ˌmən-ˈda-lik\ adjective

Four sections? I suppose that makes sense. I have a tendency to make things more difficult, or complex, and my mandala is divided into six sections. Of course, if I had continued drawing, I could have morphed the six into four.

However, a funny thing happens when one sits to create a mandala- meditation and relaxation. I only used a Pitt pen and 140lb watercolor paper. Soon, I relaxed enough and got the 'sleepies' and had to stop. It is late, and I started late, so it serves me right.

The prompt for Sunday is to go elsewhere to create art....perhaps I will design a new mandala with the aid of Starbucks? My coffee machine is out of sorts, so maybe?

Until tomorrow,
Happy sleeps!

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