
Monday, September 16, 2013


Last week at Archivers in the Mall of America, I bought a special tool that will help me make any size envelope I choose without stencils or a lot of cutting. I am so excited because this means I can customize any size card I would like to make it doesn't have to be standard to work. This also means I can use any type of paper I want and can include magazines, newspapers, or books for reuse. I'm just so excited!

Today, I used up paper from my stash that has been there for way too long. I made some really cute and small envelopes that will fit an index card inside. That alone will open up my options for creating and selling art.
Reuse is so important to me and I can rest assured I am doing my part.

Later today, I received some mail art from Australia. In turn, I am working on a few pieces that may bring a few smiles across the globe.

I also found out my friend at Daisy Yellow had a bad day today, but her spirit still seems very well put together. She mentioned "writing her ideas down" so she does not forget them. Yes, I have to remember the same thing.

In fact, the painting is it direct reflection on the premise of writing things down. I came up with the phrase while I was traveling on the airplane last week and brainstorming how this fall is going to play out.

I used Faber-Castell Gelatos for the background and simple opaque water colors for the printing. The letters are outlined in fine Pitt pen.

Time to sleep!

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