
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Face

It's probably safe to say, Ms. Rancic won't be asking me to paint her portrait any time soon, but it is certain the experience taught me a lot.

For instance, I won't even start a sketch with a number 2 pencil if I want to show any kind of value. I pressed too hard and created divots in the paper that couldn't be healed. Also, it's just impossible to get good, rich, dark colors with a number 2.

Next, it really did help me to step away from my work for a few hours. I tried to get the proportions right, but it's like those games where something is out of sync and you have to find the inconsistency. Her jaw was weird, there were no real dark values, and her hairline was way too low.

I did switch pencils and used one with better quality- I believe this all made sense. The lead was a bit softer and responded better with the paper. Also, I unwrapped a brand new eraser (I have no idea where it came from!) But it took enough pencil away so I could start the lines and things elsewhere.

Finally- I tried. Then I added paint. Like I said, I don't think Ms. Rancic will be hiring me any time soon, but I learned a lot from creating this portrait.

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