
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Doing the Work

I'm just tired out.
It was just a volunteer position, but it was hot outside.
I worked like it was my job.
I worked hard.
I did the things asked of me and invented ways to make things run smoothly.
No biggie, that's just how I work.

I got home and crashed.
Walked the dogs and ate some dinner.
Even cruised done FB and others.

I just wanted to go to sleep.

But the art called.
It has me accountable- I've promised art every day and have delivered.
I cannot say it's all perfect, but it is mine and also my promise.
To whom?
To me. I'm keeping my word.

The art speaks.

Index card, 4"x6"
Acrylic paint
Sharpie Black Marker
Pitt Pen, Black (F)

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