
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Getting Sloppy

It's after midnight and I had a whole day to post for Wednesday. Also, Tuesday's post went up Wednesday morning. I will have to be sure to post early during Thursday to get back on track.

We had a rainy day here and most of it was spent listening to "Acoustic Cafe" on Slacker Radio with rain drops in between songs. It has been refreshing to feel the moisture, hear thunder, and see lightning. One weather report even mentioned a funnel cloud with no touchdown, thankfully.

For painting, it has been nice to use index cards again. The 4x6 size is just right to get done interesting things going on without the overwhelming white page threat. Lately, I've just wanted to get paint on paper, no matter what. The doodles have been fun over top of the paint, too. Nothing too serious and everything about play.

This one started with gesso, then some blue and hot pink paint. Eventually, blue won and I used the back of a paintbrush to scrape through the color. Finally, the white circles were painted. The white paint has a gloss to it, while the other is matte finish. I like the contrast of finishes.

I doodled while we watched Wednesday TV- I listened mostly, and played Viggle games to get points for free stuff, and talked with my sweetie. Fun night :)

Have a great day!

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