
Monday, October 14, 2013

Stamping Circles

There is nothing good about procrastinating. I know someone who just posted her thoughts on being a procrastinator and I can relate...but I'll relate tomorrow....

Seriously, she's a relative and we are too much alike for our own good.

While there are areas of my life where I have stopped procrastinating, there are others that have grown rampant and it's time to stop that. This time, my procrastination had cost my sweetie his other love: Ms. Chally.

Next to me, his car is his true love. She is paid in full by his company, but they have called her home. He has to choose another- and others like her are not available this time.

How do I figure in?

My sweetie has taken care of me for this past year while I got my bearings after moving. It's hard not to get caught steeping in regret for not having found a job yet. But he didn't nag- in fact, it's a very loving and low pressure situation.

I'm the one who took my sweet time.

You see, he has the option to buy Ms. Chally, but the income just isn't there. My sweetie's generosity has come to haunt him.

It is the last thing I would have wanted for him. Ugh. I am disgusted with me.
I am a PRO at procrastination, but this is ridiculous.

The only thing to do is take action.

Two jobs have my application as of singe time after ten tonight. It may be a little too late, but I will not stop until I get something.

I love my sweetie and want to do right. I cannot buy back the past, but I can work forward.

I saw a flock of white doves today and can only think of the promise of peace and love that they signify. I'm hoping for an interview and will accept any good vibes, prayers, thoughts and hopes for a positive outcome.

I can only move forward.

gessoed cardboard and acrylic paint. I used plastic and metal bottle caps, bases of paintbrushes and pens, plus, a cool seed pod from some kind of birch tree.

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