
Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun Friday

Art "lessons" continue to happen at my house on Friday afternoons with two lovely neighbor kids. Who knew an invitation for three lessons would turn into twelve? Or more? I had a feeling,....

Today, we used inspiration from Pinterest to fuel our creative hearts. A Russian blog has a quick photo tutorial for painting canvas tote bags. We followed the first few steps, but the end product shows how delightfully creative my two young friends can get.

We had fun with our pointilistic pencil and paint stampings. Ashley already knows her special pink number will keep her classmates wondering, "Where did you buy that?"

On a separate note, yesterday I wrote a bit about the student who needs so much help and who really speaks no language at all.

Today, I got her to smile, look at me, and respond by nodding in the affirmative. Also, we played with our alphabet objects and she identified a toy car and spoke,"car". Hooray for the little peach!

So thankful for the many blessings this day has brought.

Love you, my friends :)

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