
Monday, January 7, 2013

Coming out of the Dark

   Mom told me violas are the first to pop up after a forest has been burned or the land has been somehow devastated. They can serve as a meal for those who may be searching for food after disaster has claimed the rest. These flowers give me hope and a smile through the dark every-days of January. 

   In Southern California, the seasons are a bit confused. It is always beautiful here, but in this month, leaves sometimes turn red and spring flowers bloom here and there. We have more clouds this time of year and it does rain in Southern California- just not a lot.  I found a patch of these violas on a morning walk with our dogs, Buck and Louis.

   My Grandma Caine was the watercolorist in our family, so I have a lot to live up to, but she wouldn't say so. She began to paint in her fifties and put a good thirty years  into her work, yet she stayed so humble. She belonged to a palette club through her church and I was able to attend with her while I was going to college in Minnesota. I treasure those times spent with her as an adult and know not everyone gets that kind of opportunity. I was intimidated by those little old ladies! Can you believe it? She wouldn't have believed it.

   Grandma introduced me to all of the club members and they were soon wondering about what I was painting. She had already filled them in on all of the details of her grandchildren so I just settled in and finally relaxed. I watched her paint and throw salt onto the paper to get the special effects.  I soaked up the instant coffee and permanent memories. Grandma Caine left behind a great many original watercolors and her grown children have turned the prints into a Caine family calendar with highlighted family birthdays. 

 I don't consider myself a watercolor artist yet, but this is a start. 

 Hope is here. I have it. Happy January!


Coming out of the Dark (excerpt)
Gloria Estefan
Why be afraid if I'm not alone
Though life is never easy the rest is unknown
Up to now for me it's been hands against stone
Spent each and every moment
Searching for what to believe

Coming out of the dark, I finally see the light now
It's shining on me
Coming out of the dark, I know the love that saved me
You're sharing with me 


  1. Um, this is awesome-

  2. Kimmy so beautiful! I love the story and the picture as well.


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