
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

From Dreams to.....

    For the last couple of nights I have had dreams of traveling to distant places. The images I remember most are the packing and preparation for travel. Maybe it is because we were just in Illinois and Minnesota during Christmas weekend, but I am hoping it is much more like a  message of future things. 

   I once lived in Italy for a short time. I have always wanted to return and see friends and the great ruins once again. I am awestruck by the art, antique and attitude in Italy. Most people just seem to be doing well, no matter what. Regardless, I have a few friends there and long to return to see them because it has been too long. 

  Buon viaggio is the Italian version of Bon Voyage and my first travel dream this week was about packing for the long trip and preparing the carry-on with wheels. Said carry-on contained my art supplies and Mark was pulling it in my dream while he kept running over fruit and vegetables. Last time I really went, all of our bags were huge with no wheels. Pretty sure that is how I really goofed up my back.

The next dream was about preparing for a trip to the Cayman Islands. Really? I have never even been there! I hope to go one day, but I am sure Italy is so much better. Besides, I am pretty sure I'm guaranteed Gelato every day with my friend Sara. In the dream, I was packing an abnormally heavy bag. In the (dream) bag I had packed some rather large vases or something, but they were definitely glass and didn't fit into my little carry-on so I had to unpack them before I got onto the plane. I never saw the end destination of the Cayman Islands, but the feeling of being at the airport really sunk in. 

Last night I dreamt of waiting in the another airport waiting for a plane to take us somewhere and I do not know where. Regardless, I am thankful for my dreams that put forward inspiration for future travels. I don't know when any of these trips will actually happen, but I am hopeful they will actually happen in the future.

I am dreaming big this year. 

Buon Viaggio!


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