
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Beautiful Family

 As we finished up our trip to the Midwest over Christmas, I was scanning Facebook from my phone in the airport while waiting for our flight. One of the posts was from a long-time friend and she'd re-posted a picture from the "Life Is Good" company. The picture was a simple teal background and had line-drawn hearts connected, side by side, and all that came to mind was her beautiful family who I've only ever seen on Facebook.

Facebook has been a wonderful way to catch up with people from years back and see family pictures we might have only been able to see in person in a flip-book. My friends live in little pockets of this and other countries and though it would be wonderful to see them all again in person, the reality is Facebook might be the only hope we have to keep in touch. Snail mail is always an option, but once I found out how easy it is to navigate and send messages, Facebook became my instant friend.

With this connection tool, I can keep up with so many and share beautiful moments, funny memes, and necessary updates. I am grateful to have reconnected with so many- including my Mark! And to the friend for whom this picture is intended, I am grateful for all you have shared and continue to share with me. That is why, when I saw the picture on Facebook, I immediately sent her a message and told her I wanted to draw a version of what I saw for her family. I hadn't even set the goal to create everyday yet, but I had full intention of delivering the product. And now it is done. 

I knew today as the day to complete it because it started with a headache. Along with pain, my head was spinning for what to make on a day when I need to rest and clear the stupid headache. They kill my days and if I get anything done, it is good. But with a plan in mind, getting things done is doable if the headache dies even a little bit. Thankfully, it cleared around two in the afternoon and I was glad to have made the plan. I was able to get a few things done today, rest, and carry on with the art. I am so thankful for where I am right now. So thankful.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping to read!

Beautiful Family - Life is Good
A gift for a friend and her family- one heart for each member.
Canson XL Mixed Media, 98lb, 5.5"x14" image size
Faber-Castell Watercolor Cakes
Faber-Castell Gelatos
Prismacolor Colored Pencils
Staedtler Permanent Fine Black Marker

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