
Thursday, January 24, 2013


This morning I received a message from a former colleague in Vegas letting me know I should try teaching events like the "Wine and Canvas" set-up. Just so you know, Wine and Canvas is b.y.o.b. and during the session, students learn how to create a work of art on canvas using acrylic paint, canvas and lots of instruction. The friend told me in the message she was serious and I really should consider it as a job. Honestly, it would be a lot of fun and I might have started YESTERDAY!

But one thing at a time. And seriously. DREAM! 

Then I chatted with another friend who has ideas for how to sell my work, if that is what I decide to do. The thought has definitely crossed my mind and I wonder how many of you might help in the selling of the collection, come day 364/365. She encouraged me to keep going and find a way to get some Valentines up on Etsy by next week. Challenge accepted

There will be new hearts and a set of older ones that I created to join up with my Grandma's Palette Club Bazaar in 2007. They were never sent in and shortly thereafter, she passed away. At that point I was really just trying to pass time as a substitute teacher and made the drawings on mornings when I'd get up and listen for the phone for potential jobs. The art was soothing while I waited and it used up some prep-times while I subbed in the locaLl schools. I had been given the gift of time then, like I have now, and decided making art was the least I could do to contribute to a fine cause.

In other news, I am waiting to hear on a job...
In more other news, I should get a decent tax refund this year as I started it by myself today. I didn't know the IRS doesn't start drafting refund checks until 1/30, but I am very happy with the check that will eventually show up. 

My eyes are getting heavy as I type. I've gone over a few things here and already erased the nonsense that shows up when my eyes are killing my head with a migraine. Sometime, I should just type while I am truly falling asleep and see what my brain comes up with....

On the gentle serious encouragement, I have a friend has been giving graciously of her things for me to reuse/repurpose/repair for her and some to keep for myself. Her encouragement is to believe. It's her word for the year and it fits completely. Sometimes I need the gentle reminder to breathe, believe, paint and dream. She helps me with that. There's never a dull moment here as I continue to bring more into the house than I take out, but she helps with that, too. She helps me stay on track, so to speak, and she believes I will do something great. So do the other friends I was in contact with today. One typed, "I'm serious", and that's funny only because I have not known her to spit out useless unfounded advice, ever. 

So seriously, Dream. I'm about to
Cheers for the dream and all that comes with it.

Love always, ME!   Have an awesome day!


Seriously. Dream!
Strathmore Windmill Watercolor Paper, 140 lb, 9x12 inches
Faber-Castell Watercolor Cakes
Faber-Castell Gelatos
Staedtler Permanent Black Fine Marker

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