
Friday, January 25, 2013

Saving a spot for LOVE

I have to find another time to work during the day.
Mark and I have date night on Fridays and I fell asleep on the couch when we got home. He even made me go to bed a couple of hours ago and I just wouldn't give up on posting. He might have been a little annoyed and I don't want that, so I will work to change up the creative schedule a bit.

This is the second time this week a post nearly missed the midnight deadline. Maybe after walking the dogs in the morning would be better, at least to start working, and then I could finish it up a few hours later. The post tonight is one that was partially finished on the day I made the simple "K". I knew it would work sometime and today is it. 

Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I belong to the page "Create Every Day". There is a button on this blog that will lead you there if you're interested in finding out more about it, but it is easy enough for me let you know the theme for January has been "Dark". The theme has been swimming around in the back of my mind and it has put a darker twist on the pieces I've created, but today is a little different. I feel like the darkness is beginning to wear on me and the colorful bit of love has brightened things a little. It is exciting to wonder about the theme for February, although I'll admit, there will definitely be some more hearts headed this way soon.

I had some otherwise creative time with a couple of friends today and although we didn't make anything, we discussed about a million ideas for future projects and creativity realized. I got to know someone new today and it was really great to just relax and enjoy the company of friends. Plus, they helped me get my car battery jumped when it died at their house. I'm so thankful for the help. Love is a good theme for the day.

Canson XL Mixed Media 98lb, image is 5"x7"
Prang Watercolor
Prismacolor Pencils
Staedtler Permanent Fine Black Marker

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