
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Adults doing Kid things

Today was spent partially hanging out at the new desk space and loving it. The work area is just for me and it was interesting when the pooches insisted on climbing on me. I made them a pseudo-doggy bed and they seemed to calm down a bit. 

In my sorting over the past few days, I found a pocket of Crayola Erasable Crayons and put them to use today. We work so hard to grow up into adults and today I find myself working with crayons. But, they are adult crayons. If I make a mistake, the eraser easily clears up any errant markings and if the point gets too dull, I just twist the crayon upward. So yeah, they are crayons, but they behave safely like most grown-ups.

It was a chore to sort my mind today, so the best I could do was this. I created a Sharpie outline template within the card and then tried using some "map making" skills. None of the same color should be touching. Maps are made that way in order to show appropriate boundaries between states or countries. In order to do this, at least four different colors are needed. My boundaries are not as important as any map, but the sections are clearly marked and ready.

I used all of the colors in the Crayola pack and still left one section white. It just seemed like the thing to do.
There is no real title to this one except "Playing like Kids" is probably appropriate.

Also, the card is white, but here is an example of a Valentine I will be sending to my new friends courtesy of Aunt Peaches. She has an annual challenge to make and send three Valentines to three separate strangers. This year over 400 are participating, according to her blog. I think the card below will be one of the cards I send :). 

Will keep you posted! Good day :)


  1. ooo, I'm all into playing like a kid... it's so much more fun! Oh and what a great valentine project :P

  2. Don't you love doing these? There's nothing like Crayolas... i imagine this one was meditative to do. :-) Thanks for sharing Kim! xox

  3. I received one of your darling Valentines in the mail today, Kim, and have enjoyed browsing your other work here. I loved that you decorated the inside of the envelope, too. Thanks and best wishes!


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