
Monday, February 4, 2013

Light Hearted Re-Use

Remember the hearts from A Beautiful Family? I used them again today to paint this one. They were set down like a stencil as I painted the watercolor on top and onto the paper. I formed the border with tape after tracing the glass of the frame. The image is actually pretty small, maybe 2.5"x5"in order to fit into a thrifted frame I bought before Christmas. I realize I should be sure my pieces fit in a nice frame after my friend Kristin framed the piece I donated for the Breast Cancer Auction in Memphis. She mentioned the size was tricky to frame [without spending a lot] so I have decided to change things up a little and use thrifted frames as part as my inspiration.

My intention is to post this one on Etsy, in the frame, for sale as soon as possible. I know it is possible it won't sell for Valentine's Day, but it is possible it will. By using the thrifted frame, the painting can arrive in a frame ready for giving. After that, it will be up to the owner to change frames if so desired, but I can keep costs low this way, re-use materials, and make original art affordable. I'd like to be sure my paintings can fit into standard frames and mats.

Here is a picture of the cabinet I've turned into a work area. I would like to keep the surface rather clear in order to have an active creating space. The pull-out desk face can be used to put active projects, sketchbooks, the laptop, an out-of-the-way sharpener or anything else. But it will be a challenge to keep the active creating space. I have a tendency to cover all surfaces, table tops, anything flat because there are so many things to see. Ugh. That really translates into the fact I have a junk problem. And that, is an eternal challenge.

Take a look at the green fleece blanket on the bottom shelf. That is the tiny space my two doggies occupied while I was working. I tried to get a picture, but it wasn't turning out right. As I type right now, Buck is on my left side curled in a comma and Louis is draped over my left arm with his right paw hanging on me in a hug. These dogs keep me cozy and they are sweet loves of rescued dogs and I highly recommend saving one or two if the opportunity presents itself. There are lots of memes out there asking, "Who Saved Who?" about rescued pooches. Mine give love every day. 

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