
Friday, February 8, 2013


There's a part of me that misses that white stuff, the same flakes that are falling all over the midwest and east coast. It's so beautiful to see snow fall and swirl with the wind. I love to see it sparkle in the moonlight! However, my back doesn't miss the shoveling and my style's not been cramped by scraping windshields, losing gloves, or a car in the ditch. All of these things are pretty liveable, of course, unless you're in a blizzard. 

With all of the super-storms out there this year, Nemo might just be another giant keeping people from places they might usually travel for some time. Nemo will bury streets and cars, bus routes and train tracks. Streets that haven't been scraped by metal in years will feel the white coat cleared and business will be slippery and usual after awhile. 

Snow is different than most storms. It creates silence and covers all the ugly things and builds a beautiful landscape for fun and quiet thoughts. Snow can make troubles seem small because things are pretty much disguised to be all clean and new. In fact, sometimes snow has a habit of pulling people indoors and into the softly buffered comfort of home.

Sandy wasn't so nice. Full homes were leveled and those same streets were useless, but Sandy wasn't very careful about how she left things. Many people are still displaced by her fury and it is possible they will not have a home like they did once before. I still have hope those people will find comfort again, somehow.

The four letter "s" word is only bad when it causes accidents, hides slippery spots and turns ugly when the covered becomes uncovered and mixed with reality. And if there's been too much of it, the possibility of spring flooding becomes all too real. Snow. Man.

Storms happen. I'm not so afraid of them as I have been in the past and for that I am thankful.

I've been wondering how to illustrate a hug, and I guess this heart showed up to give some. It comes from a more tranquil place and it is filled with the hope of warmth and comfort, as well as time to be creative with family, fun and love. There is only some rain here and the blue sky peeks out more often than not lately, but we need the rain. My heart has been warming, too.

Be safe out there and don't forget to have some fun in the white stuff!

Faber Castell Gelatos
Prang Watercolors
Canson XL Mixed Media 98lb paper

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