
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Out of the Blue

 There have been so many blessings through this blogging process. I am deeply touched by the feedback I have received and messages that come from out of the blue. It continues to be a learning process for me in every moment and every new piece has an effect on me no matter if it is because of the process or how the thing came to be. How amazing it is to be part of the most wonderful times on earth. 

Today I received one of the Valentines from the swap I signed up for a few weeks ago. It was made from a reused Netflix envelope and it was a treat to get fun mail in the mailbox today! The swap is so interesting because it is strange to send a Valentine to someone I do not know personally. It has become a holiday to spread love in its simplest form. I love to pay it forward, even though this isn't really qualified as such, but I will not get a Valentine from those to whom I sent one. The feeling is sort of strange, but oddly beautiful at the same time. It is a simple reward for showing up in life. 

Also today, I received a letter and a Library sale "retired" Artist magazine from a dear friend. She has been discovering more of her design-side lately, was at the sale and saw the magazine, thought of me and sent the magazine. How very thoughtful, kind and sweet of her to do that. It made a difference in my day and I've already drafted a note of thanks. But she will probably read this, so I guess that's a double thanks. 

The blue sky today was beautiful and made me think of others with the snow. It is so beautiful here, I can only imagine what it's like to have snow again. How strange to see the roses blooming and to hear the hummingbirds playing with the bees high up in the trees. Well, at least it sounds like that (wink!)

I am thankful for ideas and things that appear out of the blue.

As far as process goes for today, I've used three of my sketchbooks already and started a new one today. Ugh. It was a real fight to make anything happen on this paper. If anyone has any advice for using the Canson 120lb Watercolor paper with the big blue "W" on the front, please let me know. My watercolor seemed to slip and slide on it and not deposit where it should. It seems like the paper is wildly inconsistent and apparently I am spoiled from the kinds I've used already. Anyway, my tape stuck to it and tore a different piece. We'll see what I make of that. Maybe something will appear out of the blue. 

Canson Watercolor 120lb paper
Prang Watercolor
Faber Castell Watercolor
Staedtler Black Permanent Fine Pt. Marker


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