
Sunday, February 10, 2013


Again went the struggle with the paper.

When looking at the border of this piece, it is easy to see where the tape took some of the paper with it when I removed it. It looks like I planned it but, truth be told,I was really mad to see the tape pull part of the surface away. I have about eight more sheets of this stuff before I can move on to another pad.

I've been researching papers since beginning to work in this particular pad. It seems the type I have is reserved for complete beginners. If I didn't know anything, I might feel a little awkward using a kid's type of paper pad. I've agreed to myself not to purchase any new paper, rather I would like to use what I already have. Still, I am frustrated with the paper and beginner or not, I really don't recommend this type of paper at all.

A few weeks ago, I misplaced one of my favorite brushes and that pushed me out and into the world today the maybe find another. Instead of just one, I bought a couple of brushes today and that helped a little with the color exploration. In itself, that helped me to have some fun playing and thinking of how I can use them for calligraphy.  

As far as today is concerned, it was my sister's birthday and a day to relax with Mark and the pooches, at home. Happy Birthday to my Sister! And please have a wonderful week. The weather is weird lately in many pockets of the country, so just be careful! Cheers!

And Peace:
Thanks and Goodnight!

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