
Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Good Friday is such an ironic name. A man was once crucified on this day and they call it good? I know the stories, but it all seems so strange. What a dark day it was for those who believe in him. Those people must have really thought the world was ending- or at least the one they knew as Christ walked alongside them in real time.

How anyone could be grateful for such a horrible event is mysterious. Why. Really, why, would anyone think His death on a cross could be a good thing? Surely the press would have given it a spin. Of course, the ones who knew him personally had to have the faith that the event might somehow bring something good. But seriously? It was an awful and painful death. One would hope the shock of nails hammered through hands and feet would prevent actual suffering. How could his father have allowed him to go through such pain? It was big pain.

Then to find out He died for us to save us from sin.

I am grateful for His pain and the life He has given us.

I have to admit, it is sometimes hard to dangle on the edge of letting go of pain, suffering, grief and sorrow, to know that He will catch me and forgive and bless me in my days on this earth. I feel like it is so much safer to hold onto the sadness and that is the way to really live. Because pain is the opposite of joy and in this month of black and white, it is known I should have one to know the other. But God wants the Joy for us. The pain and suffering? So small compared to what His Son went through. We are here for joy. for life, color and the living.

I am grateful for life. I am so happy and filled with joy of spirit and faith. Gratitude can sweep through even the darkest of days and fill hearts full of joy. All it takes is a moment of thanks for the smallest of things. Once it starts, it is really hard to shut it off. Be grateful and the joy of life will be with you.

It is Good Friday. Appreciate. Love and Gratitude. Peace.

And I cannot be ashamed of my Faith. Please, find it in your heart if you do not agree with what I have posted to respect my beliefs. I am the judge of no person because it is not my job. No matter the faith one chooses, or does not choose, the judgement is not mine to make. I happen to believe God will be the judge for me. The decisions I make are between Him and me and I cannot be responsible for the beliefs of others. I will continue to be the person He has made me to be and I will do my best to honor Him.

Thank you, my friends, for visiting my blog. It is a joy knowing you have been here with me.

These babies look so sweet and are probably very close to leaving their feathered nest for the real world. I loved watching their little eyes blink today. I am so thankful for seeing these two tiny miracles.

Fabriano Disegno 80lb Paper
Prang Watercolor


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