
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Isn't it Ironic?

 The quote I have used for today is part of a challenge I found here, on the Artists in Blogland site. 
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." from Ralph Waldo Emerson. 

I had just finished telling my sweetie how very happy I am as I finished baking lemon cupcakes, starting a new art piece and contemplating the quotation for the month. My sweetie had just come home from the Seven-Eleven and informed me they didn't have the Cadbury Mini-Eggs I wanted to use as decor for the cupcakes. No problem, I thought, I'll just go to the store and pick some up.

I didn't go right away, instead, I took out the Faber Castell gelato sticks and began working on the art piece. I stepped a little out of bounds on the black and white theme, yet I tried to keep the light and darkness available. Also, I had to wait for the cupcakes to finish baking. 

Once the timer went off, I pulled them out of the oven and set them on cooling racks. While they cooled, I moved on to painting another section of the piece. I am so bad at waiting for cupcakes to cool, paint to dry, and anything else that takes time. Here it was given to me today. I used the cooling time to get started with art and that kept the cupcakes cooling and getting ready for me to eat one. The art plan was going well, so I decided to go to the store because my paint had to dry for me to move on. 

You know, I've been tracking the hummingbird babies over the last few weeks and they are really pretty ready to leave the nest.  So as I went to the door, I sneaked a peek at the two babies and found out they were facing opposite directions and away from each other in the nest. I noticed their beaks getting longer almost by the day. I wonder if they're honest?? ;)

Naturally, I wanted a photo. I've been so happy with the pictures my phone can take and I really tried to get safely close to the nest without the Mama bird buzzing my head. The first photo was blurry enough to warrant another picture. Then, it all happened so quickly, but a baby flew from the nest onto the ground inside the house. We held the curious and quiet dogs back, and just as a hand approached the bird, it flew into the breezeway and onto the cement sidewalk. 

Oh I felt awful! I still do. I've been watching this miracle for weeks and cannot wait for them to be old enough to go on their own ways, yet I savor every moment I get to see these babies. I was heart broken as my sweetie looked online as I did too, to find answers for our hummingbird baby. The last we wanted was for the baby to get eaten by a cat, so we had to work quickly.

He knew I didn't plan to do anything to the babies and they really are nearly large enough to take off on their own. But that didn't change the fact he was going to try and put the baby back into the nest. My stomach was sick. I couldn't believe my actions had created such a horrible end.  The quotation kept running through my head, "Each day is the best day in the year." except when baby hummingbirds might die?

He did end up getting the sweet baby back into the nest and then 'lectured' me, too. I was too close. He had tried to gently tell me to stay away from the nest. I didn't. I didn't touch it, but I was scared to death when the baby fell. I had been too selfish and disrespectful to the birdie babies.. 

I sulked and had cake. I ate up some sorrows, but did not over-do-it. The baby bird is back in the nest and will get over the trauma of the day. Regardless of the drama, I love the quotation Mr. Emerson left us with. Each day is indeed the best day of all the days. Even when a day has ups and downs, painting is there. 

Lilfe is here and there, 

I am fading out and that is ok.

I will do my best, no matter the circumstances.

Enjoy the art, get the cake, and have a great Easter. 

0Fabriano Disegno paper, 80lb
Faber Castel Gelatos
Prang Watercolor in Black

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