
Monday, March 25, 2013

Restless Heart

 A friend of mine is coming to visit and I just cannot wait!

There is so much to be done between now and then and I am hoping tonight will be filled with rest. The last few nights have found me awake a few times during the night and I've been a little less than me as a result. I probably need more water, even though coffee is more fun. And pop...ugh. Seriously. It doesn't take a genius to figure out my caffeine intake is probably way overloaded. Yet, coffee is what I love. 

My heart isn't restless for anything but the coming days. I am looking forward to a visit, but have to remind myself to stay present so I can enjoy NOW. And I need to CLEAN! Boy, it sure is interesting how many projects I can wrap myself up in if I have to clean the house. Next comes the justification of said projects, guilt for not getting further than I did this weekend, guilt for saying I would plan it out but didn't, and then just going to bed happy because of all of the things I did accomplish for the day.

The painting is restless, but filled with as much excitement as a black and white can convey. I wanted fireworks, or sparks, and got maybe a splash of water. It is filled with some kind of movement and that is more important.  

Fabriano Disegno F4 Paper, 80lb
Prang Watercolor in Black
 Besides. Who wants to clean when there are eggs of felt to be made? 
This little guy was sent off in the mail with the tiny eggy, as well. I'll miss seeing the expression on the receiver's face. We had a great chat today on the phone, but being there in person is the best. 

Regardless, I am thankful for this beautiful day filled with amazing blessings. 
Love, Always.

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