
Tuesday, March 26, 2013


"These are the days of miracle and wonder." -Paul Simon

Organization is not one of my strong suits, but I've found that once things have a place to "live", life gets much easier. How nice it is to actually find things when I look for them. It's taken some getting used to, considering I've actually lost things in plain sight because they were in their places. Funny. I could have things strewn all over the place and know where everything is and I lose the things that have been organized. Hm. They've been discovered while looking for other things I know are in their places. 

It has been a goal of mine to reclaim the kitchen table since I moved in last September. We usually eat in front of the TV with the folding tables, so it's not interfered with our every day life. I just know I like to have a table in the kitchen. It's a good place to sit, look out into the beautiful back yard, make lists, do crafts, build model cars. Yeah, it's a multipurpose area that can also be used for (gasp) eating. 

Today, the table has been taken back. I built a photography space with things my sweetie already had here for digital pictures of his model cars. The man is an amazing model car builder and deserves a nice space to respectfully photograph his works. And hey, I can use it too! It will be nice to have it set up and ready to go while also having a space to eat at the table. 

I'm loving the plan for putting some art up in the kitchen, along with keeping the area tidy. That is amazing. I can't even believe I wrote that about cleaning. I have to admit, having visitors helps keep me on my toes even if they are not here all the time. Eventually, I will tackle the place and be able to maintain it a lot easier. We are melding our things and creating a space we both love as our home. 

The painting is "Sweet" and is what happens when I am exhausted. I am happy to have created the painting earlier in the day, taken a nap, and now have better clarity for writing...all prior evidence in this post aside....
The sweetness is how I feel because of the "new" space and how the house is beginning to feel. I promise pictures when things are better placed and fully functional. Ha. We'll just have to see about that. 

Fabriano Disegno 80lb Paper
Prang Watercolor in Black
  Here's the little egg and nest I felted tonight.
All of that felt is just staring at me and waiting to be made into little sweet things. There goes that "Sweet" word again! I'm not sure if this one will be kept or given away yet. It's just fun to see what will turn up next.


On a side note, the hummingbird babies are growing up! Today I saw the little head peeking up over the edge of the nest. Until today I had only seen the little pencil-lead small beaks pointing straight up in the air. I got close enough with my "sweet" phone and got a close-up. "Elation" is a good word for the feeling when I got that picture. We have tried and tried, but mostly everything has come out blurry. 

The babies move around when the breeze blows and I nearly got a shot of the Mom feeding the babies. 
This nest is right outside our door and she buzzes us if we get too close. I only came to the door to see her there and she took off. 

Tomorrow is another day and I'll be watching for more miracles. 

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