
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Every Day

I had a pleasant reminder today that no matter what the circumstances, being here, present, right now, is the very best place to be.  We create every day in order to live. Not many realize they are creative, but we are all creative beings. There is no other way to live life. Creativity is a common thread from problem solving choices about breakfast and clothing choices, to how to phrase an interaction carefully in order not to offend. 

Life is art. 

There are the good and bad days, clear and hazy brain days, and love and hate days. 
As it is with any art, the contrast exists to make things interesting. 

Be kind, they say. 
Even if someone is unkind to you, be kind anyway. 
There are a few neighbors in my new 'hood who have walked past, with my eyes upon them waiting for the moment to greet them, and they keep walking. Sometimes I want to yell, "Don't you see me?" Then I think there must be some reason for the non-interaction. 

Be kind to people. One never knows the struggles of another. 
Who knows what issues plaque our neighbors. People struggle quietly every day. 
They hope for better days, of less cushion, of more protection, and overall less struggle.

Shame lives. Appreciation lives next door. Embarrassment thrives upon knowing your steps are covered when the opportunity to meet another individual fades into thin air. We let it happen. Be present.
Be kind to one another. Treat others with the same respect you want in your very own bubble, even when they turn their backs on you. 
Love them anyway. 
Leave no time for regret.

Enjoy the work of art made every day. 
Leave yesterday alone.
Say thanks, please and help, then thanks again.
Then lather, rinse and repeat. 

"Every day is a winding road" 
"Every day I have the blues"

Life is Every Day Art. 
What's your composition look like?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder. At times I wonder why it is so hard to remember good intentions and resolutions to be kind, to notice good things in life, to appreciate what we have.


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