
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Woo Wednesday!

 What a beautiful day it was today! 

On this day, I wrote about my Great Aunt Eleanore and today I spoke with her on the phone. Her son has passed away and I am doing my best to check in with her. She does have some family nearby in Minnesota, but I feel like I want to reach out to her. I did talk to her last week and our weekly phone time is early in the week. Today was just great to hear her voice and to let her talk. I just want to reach out and hug her!

I cannot imagine losing a child. No matter the child's age, a death like this is never easy. Heck. Any death is never easy. 

The painting is from a blue place- but I am happy today. I wanted to use the theme of spirals from The Sketchbook challenge and the theme of color from The Creative Every day Challenge and think I got a good start on this piece. It is solely abstract and visions of its meaning will only be visible to the beholder, so I'll refrain from any self-imposed challenges of creating a story to go along with it. I actually just enjoyed putting brush to paper and building a little something for Eleanore. 

Today, I got some prints made of my pieces and cannot wait to assemble them into cards. It will be fun :) I also got some well-overdue errands done today, as well.

For now, thanks for stopping by today! I appreciate your spending time here with me.


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