
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Seas of Change

 Things are changing on this last day of April. 

The tide has come in for some very dear friends of mine who have received news of promotions and new assignments. They have waited and prayed, cried and prayed, rejoiced and prayed, and now have the satisfaction of faith through Him. I am so happy and grateful the time has come for my friends to move on in their lives. 

Graduation is near for many students, acceptance letters have gone out to prospective students, and decisions are being made for life changing experiences. It is a good time for change and what better time than now?

The Sketchbook Challenge has been posted and the theme is FLOWERS! This will be fun, as I have already started on some made of reclaimed materials from the recycle bin. Plus, I can find flowers everywhere, here. What a lovely way to paint May! Why not welcome May? She's here. As we speak.
Thank you for stopping today! Have a wonderful May Day!

Sea, it happens
The waves turn.
The surf settles.
The waves churn,
life is all around.
The tide pulls,
and upheaval
becomes calm

Canson XL 98lb Paper
Prang Watercolor ovals


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