
Monday, April 29, 2013

Bird House

 This little quote comes from They Might Be Giants. I think the hummingbirds were the inspiration for the drawing, today, as I heard them outside buzzing and flying their maneuvers and the "tweet" sound part of their air show. I thought of this song because my sister, Carrie, used to play it a lot on our stereo when she was "in" to that group. 

She's going to let me know about it, because it's "Make," not "Build". I guess it depends on the "lyrics" website used. If I'd listened to it as many times as she did, I might have memorized the "make". As for the art, well, it's in ink. I could do it over again, but I think I'll keep it this way. It's fun, anyway.


I am singing sweetly about being mentioned in this blog, Artists in Blogland. It was the quotation from Judy Garland and my interpretation that had me noticed. I'm thankful to have been singled-out among the entries for the month. I know people see my work, but it's nice to hear about how others feel about it, now and then, as well.

I cannot believe May starts in just two days. 

Tomorrow marks the beginning of many new challenges and I can't wait to see what is in store for the upcoming art. Thanks friends, for stopping to read about and see my art. It helps me feel good :)


Listen Here :)


  1. Love it! Even when it was the thumbnail and I didn't see the quote I was hoping it was a TMBG homage! Great art, great song, great Kim!

  2. Love this! It is really sweet.

  3. Sweet and beautiful composition Kim. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I love They Might Be Giants. This song in particular... such a happy song. Beautiful composition as well Kim! Thank you for popping over to Kookaburra Laughing, and leaving such a sweet and thoughful comment. I'm glad you found me, because it led me to you!

  5. SO so sweet! I love anything bird related and this piece is just adorable!
    Thank you for your Summer of Color comment - and SO looking forward to having you play along, xoxo


Thank you for stopping here today! I love to hear from you especially when you've taken the time to visit. Drop me a line and we'll be in touch- have a great day!