
Monday, May 20, 2013

Give Love

When it seems like you have nothing left, give love.

What I know for sure is, if you give love unconditionally, it will come back to you and give you hugs through the love of others.

Be careful with tough love- be sure it's not causing pain instead. Encourage without demanding and forcing your own way. Give love.

Pray for the sweet angels who were lost in the wake of a horrible storm today. Twenty angels in waiting now have more playmates.

Communities have been smashed to pieces, but the people will build again. Things are just things. Lives are important.

How can our world be so violent?
Oh, how awful these storms can be. I spent about twenty years being afraid of tornados. I'd rush to the basement when the sky turned green, light candles, and wait for my family to join me. I knew I was safe if Mom and Dad stayed upstairs. I think they joined me once.

Then, in my twenties and thirties, I had recurring nightmares about tornados. I'd usually see one in the distance, in the dream, lead others to safety, then wait for the storm to pass. Oddly enough, I never saw a real tornado until about 2006. But these days I've come to realize those dreams were really about stress.

People tonight will be dreaming of tornados, but for different reasons. I am thankful for not having that type of experience with them.

I gained an appreciation for them in a Meteorology class in college. Our instructor was going through a storm of his own, so our lectures were a little lackluster. But, I made it more interesting by watching weather reports and learning new vocab on the TV.

Regardless, I appreciate the storm components, but I am vigilant and I am aware during a watch or warning.
Be careful out there, friends,

Heed the warnings.
Protect yourself.
Listen and believe.
Pray for the babies lost and their families.
Pray for the service men/women as they face the eyes of lives passed.

Give love.
Give life.


Thank you for stopping here today! I love to hear from you especially when you've taken the time to visit. Drop me a line and we'll be in touch- have a great day!