
Sunday, May 19, 2013


There was a workshop today where I learned some good tips and got great advice for starting a small business. It was aptly titled, 'Grow', and showcased a book by the same name. The author, Eleanor Whitney, led a panel discussion with members of the newly formed Academy of Handmade.

Probably the best advice is to raise my prices. Many of you know how difficult it is to set prices on your own work, but raise them for every body else. Because, if you undervalue your work, then you're actually undervaluing the works of others who do the same as you. 

Next, I've struggled with having to make listings on Etsy. I learned today that I should maybe come up with four basic designs/types of pieces which can carry a rather generic description. This should make an overwhelming task seem a little more do-able.

Third, and I try, but lists are good things. I will try better to make lists and get the gunk out of my head to make room for the good stuff.

It was great to see some of my new friends in this community and to share in the experience today. I left with a renewed sense of hope that I have been on the right track and will continue to take steps in the direction of my dreams.

Have a great week!

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